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Acate (Ragusa Province) is 31 km from Ragusa, alt. 199 m, on the western face of the Monti Iblei, on the left of the River Dirillo or Acate, area 101.4 sq km, pop. 7,774, post-code 97011, tel. 0932. Agricultural economy: citrus fruit, artichokes, olives, tomatoes (also cultivated in greenhouses), wine-grapes
The town, of feudal origin, was in the fief of Biscari, which is mentioned as long ago as the 13th century In the mid-17th century Agatino Paterno Castello transferred the town to a higher and healthier area (the low-lying marshy valleys were plagued with malaria). It was badly damaged by the earthquake in 1693, but it recovered and prospered under Vincenzo Paterno Castello in the 18th century It kept its original name of Biscari until 1938, when it assumed the classical denomination of Acate, from Achates, the Romans' name for the River Dirillo (achates is the Latin word for agate, which is in abundance on the river-banks).
Of interest: a castle.
Churches (Ragusa Diocese) include the following:
S. Nicolo' di Bari (Chiesa Madre, 17th century)
Chiesette di San Vincenzo (18th century, historic)
Links to other sites about Acate include:
Ragusa Province
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily, Part 1 and Part 2 is now available on 2 CDs or .rar files. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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