Professional Researchers Tracing YOUR Genealogy
Battle for Cassino
WWII Nov 1943-May 1944
Cassino Polish War Cemetery (Cassino, Frosinone Province, Lazio Region, Italy) WWII Polish - Burials of 1,052 of the 4,000 who died in this battle in the 2nd Army Corps are here. Another 250 Bellorussians from the West of Belarus (now Poland) are also buried here.
Commonwealth burials at Cassino War Memorial - 13 South Africans, 1 Australian, 4,046 missing.
French military cemetery at Venafro - 6,000 men from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and other African countries who fought on behalf of the French are buried here.
German military cemetery at Caira - 20,027 burials.
Italian military cemetery at Mignano Monte Lungo - 975 burials + small museum + assorted pieces of artillery.
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery at Nettuno - 7,861 total burials plus 3,095 missing.
Families researched in this town include the following:
Links to other sites about Cassino include:
Cassino Photos
Montecassino Photos
Battle for Cassino
Commonwealth Military Cemeteries
French Military Cemeteries
Frosinone Province
German Military Cemeteries
Italian Military Cemeteries
War Cemeteries in Italy by Region
WWII Military Cemeteries
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily, Part 1 and Part 2 is now available on 2 CDs. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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