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Catania is the capital of Catania Province and has a population of over 376,100. Its alt. is 7 m, located on the southeast slopes of Etna, area 180.88 sq. km, post-code 95100, tel. 095. Economy: agriculture (citrus fruit); commerce; industries include foodstuffs, stock breeding, building publishing, electricity and electronics, graphic arts, plastics, transport, and tourism.
According to Thucydides, Katane was founded after 729 BC by the Chalcidian settlers from Naxos. In 476 BC it was conquered by Heiron of Siracusa and the inhabitants were deported, only to return after 15 years. During the Punic Wars it was conquered by the Romans (263 BC). It declined during invasions by Barbarians and Byzantines. The Arab domination expanded agriculture and commerce. In 1071, after the Norman conquest, construction began on the Cathedral. The Aragonese rulers founded the first Sicilian university (Siculorum Gymnasium). Most of the city was destroyed the the eruption of 1669 and the earthquake of 1693. It was eventually rebuilt and spread widely. It became provincial capital in the 19th century.
Of interest is Castello Ursino, built by Frederick II in (1239-1250) and containing the Civic Museum. Also the Roman Forum and Amphitheater, the Town Hall which was started in 1695, Palazzo Biscari, Palazzo Pardo, Catania University. The Palazzo Gravina-Cruyllas now houses the Bellini Museum. The Teatro Massimo Bellini (18th cent) is still in use and still elegant.
This is the second largest city in Sicily, with an international airport, port on the Ionian Sea, and major train and major bus terminals. It is one of the centers of my travels in Sicily.
This is also the location of the Archives of the Diocese of Catania (Via Vittorio Emanuele, 159) and the Archivio di Stato of Catania Provincia (Via Vittorio Emanuele, 156).
The web site for the Provincial Archives (Archivio di Stato) is at The archives is located at:
Via Vittorio Emanuele, 156
95131 Catania, CT
The Diocese Archives are located at:
Curia Vescovile
Diocese di Catania
Via Vittorio Emanuele, 159
95131 Catania (CT)
Churches (Catania Diocese) include the following:
Sant'Agata V.M. (Cattedrale)
Beata Maria V. del Carmelo e Santa Maria Goretti in San Giorgio
Beato Padre Pio da Pietralcina
Cristo Re
Cuore Immacolato della Beata Maria Vergine a Picanello
Immacolata Concezione B.M.V. dei Minoritelli
Maria SS. Annunziata al Carmine
Maris Stella
Nativita del Signore
N.S. di Lourdes
Risurrezione del Signore
S. Agata al Borgo
S. Chiara
S. Cristoforo alle Sciare
S. Croce
S. Cuore ai Cappuccini
S. Cuore alla Barriera
S. Cuore di Gesu al Fortino
S. Euplio M.
S. Francesco di Paola
S. Gaetano alla Marina
S. Giovanni Ap. ed Ev.
S. Giuseppe al Pigno
S. Giuseppe La Rena
S. Leone Vescovo
S. Luigi Gonzaga
S. Lucia al Fortino
S. Maria Ausiliatrice e S. Domenico Savio a Fossa Creta
S. Maria del Carmelo al Canalicchio
S. Maria del Carmelo alla Barriera del Bosco
S. Maria dell'Aiuto
S. Maria dell'Elemosina, Collegiata
S. Maria della Consolazione al Borgo
S. Maria della Mercede
S. Maria della Salette
S. Maria di Gesu
S. Maria di Monserrato
S. Maria di Nuovaluce
S. Michele Arcangelo
S. Stefano Primo Martire
S. Teresa del Bambino Gesu
Sacra Famiglia
SS. Angeli Custodi
SS. Cosma e Damiano
SS. Crocifisso dei Miracoli
SS. Crocifisso della Buona Morte
SS. Pietro e Paolo
SS. Sacramento Ritrovato
S. Maria delle Grazie (Carruba di Ognina - suburb of Catania)
Beata Maria V. (Cielo Assunta alla Plaia - suburb of Catania)
Divina Maternita della B.V. Maria (Cibali - suburb of Catania)
N.S. del SS. Sacramento (Librino - suburb of Catania)
S. Maria del Rosario (Nesima - suburb of Catania)
S. Pio X (Nesima Superiore - suburb of Catania)
Spirito Santo (Nesima Superiore - suburb of Catania)
S. Giuseppe (Ognina - suburb of Catania)
S. Lucia (Ognina - suburb of Catania)
S. Maria (Ognina - suburb of Catania)
S. Maria della Guardia (Ognina - suburb of Catania)
S. Maria della Salute (Picanello - suburb of Catania)
S. Berillo (S. Maria degli Ammalati - suburb of Catania)
Madonna del Divino Amore (Zia Lisa - suburb of Catania)
On February 1-5 is the Festa of Sant'Agata. On August 17 is the commemeration of Sant'Agata's relic in Piazza Duomo. On September 8 is the Festa of Maria Santissima Bambina with a parade to the sea at Borgo di Ognina. There is a Bellini Festival here in October. There are Christmas celebrations, concerts, and festivals here in December.
Families researched in these include the following:BisicchiaCarusoConsolidi CricaloGuzzettaJaniaLongoMulinaNicotraRazzusiRonsisvalleRussoSciuto
Links to learn more about Catania include:
Catania Photos
Catania Provincia
Ancient Sicily
Commonweath Military Cemeteries
Italian Postal Codes
Italian Towns
Italian Wikipedia
Sicily Web
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 1997-2010