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Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa Province) is 19 km from Ragusa, alt. 668 m, in the central sector of the Monti Iblei, near the valley of the River Dirillo, area 126.63 sq km, pop. 8,372, post-code, 97012, tel. 0932. Economy: Agriculture (citrus fruit, cereals, wheat, almonds, olives, wine), handi-craft (embroidery, wrought iron and marble).
Bronze Age settlements (Castelluccio culture, 1800-1400 BC) have been found in the territory. A Sicel center developed towards the end of the 8th century, on the Monte Castiglione plateau.
This may be the ancient Acrille, which was destroyed by Hippocrates of Gela two centuries later.
The foundation of the modern town, by Manfred I Chiaromonte, dates from the early 16th century; it was populated by the inhabitants of Gulfi, an ancient town further down the valley which was destroyed by the Angevins in 1299 during the War of the Sicilian Vespers.
Chiaramonte was an important strategic center throughout the 16th century, and it expanded in the 17th century; in the 18th century, as the nearby town of Vittoria began to develop, its prosperity began to wane. Nowadays it thrives on agriculture, handicraft and tourism.
Of interest: Chiaromonte Castle; and a few kilometers from the town is the Santuario della Madonna di Gulfi.
Churches (Ragusa Diocese) include the following:
Santa Maria la Nova (Chiesa Madre, 1536)
Chiesa del Salvatore (historic)
Chiesetta dell'Annunziata (historic)
Chiesa di San Filippo (historic)
Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista (historic, rebuilt)
The Convent and the Chiesa della Madonna del Gesu (historic)
Immacolata Concezione della B.V.Maria
S. Nicola
Links to other sites about Chiaramonte Gulfi include:
Sicilian Net
Sicily Web
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
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