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Comiso (Ragusa Province) is 16 km from Ragusa, alt. 209 m, on the left bank of the Riber Ippari, on the southwestern slopes of the Monti Iblei, area 64.9 sq km, pop. 29,160, post-code 97013, tel. 0932. Economy: Agriculture (grapes, greenhouse vegetables, carobs, olives), handicraft (embroidery, wrought iron, wood and stone), mining and marble working.
Of ancient origin, it was founded, probably in 643 BC, by the Siracusans with the name of Kasmenai.
In Byzantine times the hamlet of Comiso began to grow around the Monasteries of San Nicolo and San Biagio, extending later under the Normans and the Aragonese.
It was the fief of the Riggios, the Chiaromontes, the Cabreras and, from 1453 to the 18th century, the Nasellis. It was the Nasellis, created Counts in 1571, who boosted the economy of the town and expanded it beyond the ancient mediaeval walls. Comiso was badly damaged by the 1693 earthquake, but was immediately rebuilt according to scenographic baroque urbanistic criteria.
In the 1980s a NATO military airport and missile base was built here and Comiso was the scene of numerous pacifist demonstrations and controversial political/military episodes.
There is an underground Roman thermal building; traces of a mosaic floor have been found (2nd century AD).
Also of interest: The Naselli Castle of Byzantine construction
Churches (Ragusa Diocese) include the following:
Santa Maria delle Stelle (Chiesa Madre, 15th century)
Chiesa di San Filippo Neri (16th century, historic)
Chiesa di San Francesco (13th century, historic)
Chiesa dell'Annunziata (16th century, historic)
Maria SS. Annunziata
Nativita' della B.V.M.
S. Antonio di Padova
S. Giuseppe
S. Giuseppe Maria Tomasi
S. Maria delle Grazie
Sacro Cuore di Gesu'
Santi Apostoli
SS. Crocifisso
SS. Salvatore
Maria SS. del Rosario (Pedalino - suburb of Comiso)
Families researched in these records include the following:
Links to other sites about Comiso include:
Sicilian Net
Sicily Web
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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