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Gioiosa Marea (Messina Province) is 87 km from Messina, alt. 30 m, on the Tyrrhenian coast, between Capo d'Orlando and the Gulf of Patti, area 26.3 sq km, pop. 7,123, post-code 98063, tel. 0941. Agricultural economy.
The modern town was founded in the middle of the 18th century by the population of Gioiosa Guardia, (also called Gioiosa Vecchia), who had abandoned it; the old town, of which nothing now remains but a few ruins, had been founded in 1366 by the Vinciguerra family on the top of the mointain that forms the promontory of Capo Calava.
Excursions: If we climb the mountain to the back of Gioiosa Marea, we will see the ruins of the ancient town of Giuoiosa Guardia. This is a particularly interesting visit, and the panarama is stupendous.
Churches (Messina Diocese) include the following:
St. Nicholas of Bari (Chiesa Madre)
Maria SS. Della Vixitazione
S. Maria Maddalena
S. Cuore Di Gesu' (Galbato - suburb of Gioiosa Marea)
Immacolata Concezione (Landro - suburb of Gioiosa Marea)
S. Giorgio Martire (San Giorgio - suburb of Gioiosa Marea)
S. Leonardo (San Leonardo - suburb of Gioiosa Marea)
Links to other sites about Gioiosa Marea include:
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net
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