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Linguaglossa (Catania Province) is 49 km from Catania, alt. 550 m, on the northeast face of Etna, area 58.4 sq km, pop. over 5,500, post-code 95015, tel. 095. Agriculteral economy: hazel-nuts, wine, timber, cheese.
The name of the town is probably derived from lingua grossa ("great tongue"), which refers to a lava stream formed after the eruption of the volcano in 1634, and also corresponds to the elongated distribution of the town. Another explanation is that the name is tautological: both lingua in Latin and glossa in Greek mean "tongue".
There are historical references to the town in Norman times (it is mentioned in a document of 1145). The fief belonged to a Crisafi and the Bonanno families; after 1630 it was part of the royal domain.
The train around Etna (Ferrovia Circumetnea) stops here.
Of interest is the convent (1647) and the nearby Linguaglossa Wood, a forested area wonderful for camping and hiking. Also nearby are skiing facilities. It is a beautiful place to play!
Churches (Acireale Diocese) include the following:
Santa Maria delle Grazie (Duomo, 18th century)
Abbazia Di Santa Caterina
Chiesa dei Padri Domenicani (historic)
Chiesa Del Calvario
Chiesa Del Carmine
Chiesa Dell’Annunziata
Chiesa Gesu’ e Maria
Chiesa Di San Biagio
Chiesa Di San Giuseppe
Chiesa Di San Leonardo
Chiesa Di San Nicolo’
Chiesa Di San Rocco
Chiesa Di Santa Caterina
Chiesa Di Santa Maria Dei Pilieri
Chiesa Di Sant’Antonio Abate
Chiesa Di Sant’Egidio
Chiesa Matrice
Convento dei Padri Cappuccini Con Annessa Chiesa Dell’Immacolata (1644, historic)
S. Franceso di Paola (16th century)
SS. Antonio e Vito
Families researched in those records include the following:AloisioBadala'BadaleBarlettaBavoneCaliCapaniCopaniCurrentidi MauroEmmiFurnaturiGangemiGrecoLa GrassaMascaliMelitaMonfortePaganoPasaTurnaturiUrsoVacchioVecchio
On September 1 is the Festa of Sant'Egidio. Pentathalon of Etna is here in July.
Links to sites with more about Linguaglossa include:
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Lingualossa Photos
Linguaglossa - Wikipedia
Catania Provincia
Sicilian Net
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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