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Marineo (Palermo Province) is a hill town. It is 30 km. from Palermo, alt. 531 m., on the valley of the River Eleuterio, area 33.3 sq. km., pop. over 6700, post-code 90035, tel. 091. Economy: agriculture (cereals, wine-grapes), cement industry.
Nearby, at Montagnola, settlements dating from protohistoric to the 14th century have been found. The present town, east of the ancient site, was founded in 1553 by Francesco Beccadelli Bologna, lord of Cefala and Capaci. The name of the town may be due to the fact that it is situated at the point where a traveller arriving from inland Sicily comes within sight of the sea.
Of interest is the Castle, built in 1559. The Stato Civile is at the opposite end of the town's main street from the Castle and staffed by very helpful folks.
Annually is the Marineo International Poetry Prize. Every five years the "Dimostranza" is held. It is a pageant representing the life of San Ciro, the patron saint of the town.
Churches (Palermo Diocese) include the following:
Ss. Giorgio e Ciro Mm. (Chiesa Madre, 17th century)
Sanctuary of the Madonna della Dajna (15th century, historic)
Families researched in these records include the following:Assara, Azzara, Benanti, Bivona, Campisi, Cotrone, Cutorno, Dajdone, d'Amico, D'Angelo, di Pari, Di Salvo, Fasiano, Gagliano, Giordano, Granatelli, Inglima, La Spina, Lisciandrello, lo Fasi, lo Grassi, lo Presti, Lo Picolo, Lu Buglio, Maggio, Maneri, Marchese, Mazzone, Meli, Pacitaci, Patorno, Pecorano, Perrone, Piccione, Pulizzotto, Ragusa, Ribando, Ribisi, Salerno, Spinella, Sudaro, Terranova, Trentacosti
Links to other sites about Marineo include:
Marineo Photos
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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