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Monreale (Palermo Province) is 7 km. from Palermo, alt. 310 m., on Monte Caputo, overlooking the Conca d'Oro and the valley of the River Oreto, area 529.2 sq. km. Its population is over 27,200, post-code 90046, tel. 091. Economy: agriculture, handicraft (ceramics, mosaics, woodwork, and ironwork), general trade, tourism.
It dates from the Middle Ages when it began to develop around the Cathedral. It has been a bishop's see since 1183.
Of interest is the Civic Gallery of Modern Art and the town hall (18th century).
Every November the Sacred Music Week is held here. On the last weekend of every month is the Antiques Fair.
They celebrate the beginning of Spring on Easter Monday when the monks of the Benedictine abbey in San Martino delle Scale free the birds who have been sheltered there through the Winter. This celebration includes an organ concert, Gregorian chants and folklore displays.
The Diocese Archives are located at:
Curia Vescovile
Diocese di Monreale
Via Arcivescovado, 3
90046 Monreale (PA)
Churches (Monreale Diocese) include the following:
Santa Maria Nuova (Cattedrale, 1172-76)
Cappella di San Benedetto (1369)
Chiesa del Collegio di Maria (18th century, historic)
Chiesa del Monte (historic, 18th century)
Chiesa della Collegiata (17th century, historic)
Immacolata Concezione in San Francesco di Assisi
Maria SS. Regina degli Apostoli
Maria SS. Addolorata al Calvario delle Croci
Maria SS. del Carmine
Maria SS. del Rosario
S. Castrense
San Giuseppe
San Vito
Santa Maria della Catena
Santa Rosalia
Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesu
SS. Crocifisso
San Giuseppe (Aquino - suburb of Monreale)
San Benedetto (Borgo Schiro - suburb of Monreale)
S. Cuore di Gesu (Grisi - suburb of Monreale)
Maria SS. del Rosario (Fiumelato - suburb of Monreale)
San Giuseppe (Malpasso - suburb of Monreale)
Maria SS. Immacolata (Pioppo - suburb of Monreale)
Sant'Anna (Chiesa Madre in Pioppo - suburb of Monreale)
Maria SS. Immacolata (Poggio San Francesco - suburb of Monreale)
Santa Rosalia (Santa Rosalia - suburb of Monreale) (historic)
Maria SS. del Rosario (Tagliavia - suburb of Monreale)
Maria SS. del Rosario (Villa Ciambra - suburb of Monreale)
Churches (Palermo Diocese) include the following:
San Martino (San Martino delle Scale - suburb of Monreale)
Families researched in those records include:Balsamo, Bruno, Calcaterra, Collura, Curcia, di Carlo, De Lisi, di Salvo, Faraone, Farina, Furaci, La Ferla, la Mantia, Larense, lo Tocano, Malizia, Mangano, Messina, Musillami, Nicrassia, Nicressia, Noto, Paladino, Picardo, Piscitello, Plaja, Polizzi, Scarpello, Testa, Tusa, Viola, Vitale
Links to other sites about Monreale include:
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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