Motta Camastra (Messina Province) is 71 km from Messina, alt. 453 m, in the southern Peloritani, in the Montagna Grande roup, on a southwest spur of Monte Selmo, area 25.3 sq km, pop. 942, post-code 98030, tel. 0942. Economy: agriculture, cattle-breeding.
A hamlet, called Crimastra or Camastra, existed here at the end of the 13th century. The modern village was founded in the 14th century by the Linguida family, with the name of Motta San Michele. The denomination Motta Camastra was a later transformation. It belonged to the Sardo family until 1560 and then to the Lanzas.
Churches ( Messina Diocese) include the following:
San Michele Arcangelo (Chiesa Madre)
Links to other sites about Motta Camastra include:
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net