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Nicosia (Enna Province) is 51 km from Enna, alt. 724 m, in the southern Nebrodi, on the bank of the river Salso, area 217.9 sq km. Its population is just over 15,000, post-code 94014, tel. 0935. Economy: agriculture, marble and granite industries.
Here, or at Troina, the Cretans coming with Minos are said to have founded Engyum. The modern town developed around the castle in the Byzantine period and further expanded under the Normans, who increased the population with Lombard and Piedmontese settlers. This immigration continued until the 13th century and has left a mark on the dialect of the area. It was a city of royal domain from the times of William and played a strategic role in the region, half-way between Palermo and Messina.
Of interest is the remains of the Castle in the upper part of town.
The Diocese Archives are located at:
Curia Vescovile
Diocese di Nicosia
Largo Duomo, 10
94014 Nicosia (EN)
Churches (Nicosia Diocese) include the following:
S. Nicolo' di Bari (Chiesa Madre)
Cattedrale di San Nicola (15th century with 13th century campanile)
Chiesa del Carmine (historic)
Chiesa di San Biagio (historic)
Chiesa di San Benedetto (historic, 14th century)
Chiesa di San Salvatore (historic, 18th century)
S. Croce
S. Gabrielle Dell'Addolorata
S. Giuseppe
S. Michele Arcangelo
S. Paolo Apostolo
Santa Maria Maggiore
SS. Salvatore
S. Giovanni Battista (Villadoro - suburb of Nicosia)
Families researched in these records include the following:Alberti, Alessi, Ajello, Baritella, Battiato, Bonarrigo, Bonomo, Buscemi, Campagna, Collazzo, Conti, De Gaetano, Donato, Falco, Fascetta, Giunta, Granato, La Barbera, La Sorta, Lo Cascio, Lo Cicero, Marchese, Mirabella, Morales, Raspanti, Scardino, Scarlata, Sfrada, Strecila, Vitale
Links to other sites about Nicosia include:
Nicosia Photos
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily, Part 1 and Part 2 is now available on 2 CDs. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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