Noto (Siracusa Province) is 33 km from Siracusa, alt. 152 m, on the Meti hill, dominating the valley of the River Asinaro and the plain of the River Tellaro, area 551.1 sq km, pop. 23,974, post-code 96017, tel. 0931. Economy: agriculture, wine industry, tourism.
The town was built in 1703, on the left of the River Adinaro, 6 km southeast of Noto Antica, which was destroyed by the earthquake in 1693.
In classical times it was a Greek center depending on Siracusa, and then a Roman colony.
During the Arab domination it became the capital of the Val di Noto.
After the exodus of the population and the tremendous economic crisis following the earthquake in 1693, the town was rebuilt in accordance with original town-planning criteria, and began once again to prosper demographically, culturally and economically. However its role as the main center in the valley passed to Siracusa in 1817. Since World War II there was been a gradual abandonment of the old town center, with the creation of new quarters south of the town.
Of interest: Porta Reale; Museo Civico; Museo Civico; former Dominican Convent; and 19th century Teatro Comunale, and the 18th century Palazzo Landolina; Palazzo Nicolaci Villadorata, now used as the Town Library (17th century); Archibishop's Palace, the Chiesa and the Monastero del Salvatore (19th century).
Churches (Noto Diocese) include the following:
S. Corrado Nella (Cattedrale)
Chiesa del Collegio (dedicated to St Charles, historic)
Chiesa del Crocifisso (historic)
Chiesa di San Domenico (historic)
Chiesa di San Francesco (historic)
Chiesa di San Michele (18th century, historic)
Chiesa di Santa Chiara (historic)
Convento dei Francescani (historic)
Duomo, dedicated to St Nicholas of Mira (historic)
Ecce Homo al Pantheon
Madonna del Carmine
Madonna del Carmine in Mezzogricoli
Monastero Bendettino del Salvatore
S. Andrea Apostolo
S. Antonio Abate
S. Francesco D'Assisi All'Immacolata
S. Giovanni Battista alle Anime Sante
S. Guglielmo
S. Lucia di Mendola
S. Maria Scala del Paradiso
Sacra Famiglia
Sacro Cuore
Sacro Cuore in Rigolizia
SS. Crocifisso
S. Corrado F.M. (San Corrado di Fuori - suburb of Noto)
S. Isidoro Agricola (Testa dell'Acqua - suburb of Noto)
Links to other sites about Noto include:
Sicilian Net
Sicily Web
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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