Professional Researchers Tracing YOUR Genealogy
WOW!!!!! I am on my way out of town for 3 weeks with limited internet access so THANK YOU!!! I'll print everything out at the hotel and will bring it with me. A friend is bringing my ma in so thank you for that. I've already given your contact info to a friend with Sicilian roots too. I never would have been able to gather this information on my own. - Nancy in Jacksonville, FL
I received the packet of information - and it's truly amazing. Thank you so much for gathering all of this information. I can't wait to share this information with my mom who will be truly excited to see her dad's family information. - Bob in Washington D.C.
Thanks so much for all of your help & sharing your knowledge!! It makes me feel better to know a little bit more about my grandmother. That has always been a burning desire of mine. Kathy thanks again & we will probably need you again soon. Take care! - Sandy in PA
This was a very pleasant way to start my weekend. I can't believe the incredible amount of information in this report. The first two marriage records alone added an entire additional generation of eight people to my grandmother's paternal family lines. I'm having a great time adding all the new information to my family tree software database and updating all of the charts I maintain. - Stephen M. in MA
Just wanted to let you know that I received Ermanno's baptism certificate today. I was able to send it off to the Italian Embassy today in the hope that my application for citizenship can be finalised. Without your expert help I would not have been able to realise my dream. Once again my heartfelt thanks and thanks for making a difference in our lives. God bless and best wishes for the future. - Pauline W. in Austrailia
I received your e-mail report on my genealogy. Many thanks! Your work was thorough and very professional. Great job! You solved many mysteries, including the name of the twin who died, uncovering many children of Alfonso Caputo that I knew nothing of, and you were able to take my Caputo line back another generation. Great investigation! - Gene C. in CA
Kathy, I am AMAZED at what you unearthed! You are a true researcher. All I can say is WOW and THANK YOU so much for all your work. I will print this out to read, absorb and share with the family. - David L. in PA
Using research I provided, Mark was able to put together a reunion with his Sicilian relatives. - Mark in Atlanta, GA
Wow, wow, wow! I can't thank you enough! You really came through, I'm very excited at what you've found. - George G. in CA
Your research yielded an extensive family tree on both my grandfathers side and my grandmothers side. You then did a mailing to about 70 people and we got a hit on my grandfathers side, and ultimately, the relationship blossomed into about 40-50 people, that I ultimately went last summer and introduced myself and my wife. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. - Phil B. in Italy
You have taken my research further back than I believed would be possible - thank you. Dan D. in Australia
As with the first report this is beautiful. I appreciate your work and look forward to working with you in the future. This is very exciting and I know my family will enjoy it as much as I do. - Larry T. in LA
Thanks so much, Kathy! I love learning about these people. Its fun to know about one's family. - Robert B. in NY
I have finally fully digested all the material which you accumulated for me in Italy and presented to me in a highly professional manner. I couldn't be more pleased with the results, and my wife is especially excited (it is, after all, her ancestors that we are pursuing). - Ted V. in PA
I just opened my computer, and what a fantastic surprise from you. I thank you with all my heart. I am so overjoyed to read and learn of the ancestors from both sides of my Mom's family. I will e-mail you again later in the day, after I re read it all again, as I am so excited about this all. You have done a magnificent job for me. Thank you again. - Rosemary S. in NY
I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderful this is to me and my family. You have done an absolutely beautiful job. I wish my grandmother and mother were still here to share this. I know they would have loved it. Still I have a lot of the family who I know will appreciate it as much as I do. I am looking forward to doing more research with you in the future. I cannot thank you enough for such a magnificent job. - Larry T. in LA
I just received the documents in the mail and am overwhelmed by the impressive amount of information you have located. This is so much more than I expected, and the level of documentation is exceptional. I have never used a professional researcher before and I hesitated for months before deciding to give this a try. My only regret now is that it took me so long make my decision. It's really exciting to have all this new information to add to my family history and to share with my living Cerchione relatives in the Boston area. - Steve M. in MA
This is great. I can't tell you how excited everyone in my family - young to old were with the family tree! It was amazing - I am so happy I could do this for my family -- mostly for the first generation Americans (all in there 80's), and for the youngest - and future generations. Also, my Aunt and Uncle on the Speziale side will be very excited to get the update on Maria Di Francisco. I could not have done any of this with out your help. - Linda S. in TX
Hello Kathy, just a short note to thank you for the wonderful information you discovered about my ancestors in Sicily. It is obvious that you did a great deal of work and you compiled it in a professional and interesting manner. I will share it with my brothers and two of my cousins. I appreciate the packet of valuable information you sent me, and I will treasure it for years to come. Of course, if I have any further questions about my ancestry, I will gladly contact you. For years, we have all wondered about the different stories we heard about the "old country" and now we have some concrete evidence in hand. Thanks so much. - Frank D. in NJ
Your report and documents were wonderful. The content confirmed much of the info I had gathered and presented me with some
exciting new facts. - Jane S. in SC
I am both astounded at the number of records and very pleased and excited at what you have uncovered. - Philip B. in PA
Your packet and pictrues arrived in yesterday's mail. Many thanks. I sat and watched the photos. What a mystery! I have not heard either the di Domenico or Rizzo names before. There is another of the untold stories that drive me--however futally-- to want to know people's lives. That's why, I guess, literature exists: to fill in the holes, fill up the whole, of lives that history and even genealogy can't quite do. SO off we go to imagination land. At any rate, thank you for all you do--for all of us. - Chris G. in NY
Thank you for interesting and exciting results! - Jim P. in RI
Kathy, I'm impressed. Your work has exceeded my expectations. I am truly grateful. I would like to continue. - Frank L. in TX
You are the BEST! This is great. - Elizabeth C. in FL
Holy Cow! That's awesome Kathy I am SOO excited!! Looking forward to reading your next report!!!!! - Adrian B. of NY
Just received the information you researched on my grandparents. Your report was met with a great deal of joy and excitement by me and my family. We all wish to sincerely thank you for your efforts . The work you do provides an essential and sometimes denied need of humans to understand who we are based on where we are from. I am a 58 year old Italian American macho guy but reading the report somehow brought uncontrollable tears to my eyes. You have a wonderful and greatly appreciated profession. Thank You. - John M. in FL
How exciting is that .... - I can't believe we not only have dates but we are back another generation on that side ... Thanks for the great job .... your research certainly paid off .... hooray! - Nancy F. in FL
WOW, Wow Wow.....Thank you so much, your help kinda makes them come alive again. I just got off the phone with my 82yr old aunt in New York City ( she is so excited and very talkative after midnight there)...tonight was the first time she heard her great and great great grand parents names. You made an old lady very I am very grateful for your hard work. Actually when I was reading your report it kinda brought tears to my eyes...not really sure why... but I kinda think we made a lot of ancestors happy in wanting to know them. Russ D. in CA
You are wonderful! Thank you all your hard solved all the mysteries...Can't thank you enough for all of this. I am very pleased. - Phyllis C. in NJ
Thanks for the wonderful job on the Lograsso research. It went over really big. - Loren V. in NJ
The information you have provided has been an absolute delight to my parents and family. - John M. in MD
What a wonderful piece of work. I've already shared it with my Uncle Paul, my dad, my sister and brother. How can I thank you enough! - Sandy F. in MO
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We were delighted to read the research report. It is thrilling to know that we have finally made the jump across to Italy. It was a real sticking point for us. Based on the information we got from you about my grandfather's real name, I found him and my grandmother in the 1900 census! - Maira C. in NY
A person that helped me quite a bit was a Kathy Kirkpatrick. She travels to Italy and Sicily often and was a big help in locating info on our side. - Jim C. in NC
I just read the report -- it was worth the wait! You're great! fantastic! wonderful! What more can I say? THANK YOU! - Anthony A. in NJ
I can't thank you enough for all of this information. I have to say again that I am so very surprised at all that you were able to find. - Linda F. in NY
I was delighted to receive your research report today, with accompanying documents, charts, etc. Thank you for such a thorough and professional job. This experience has been most gratifying and I thank you again. I will "sing your praises" at our next Genealogy Society meeting. - Florene J. in FL
I recieved the research report in the mail. Everything looks great! Thanks for your time and effort. - Chris B. in NJ
I think your work and approach is great. Thank you for making my family history available to everyone alive today. - John C. in NY
Thank you for the research and family information. I know that this is a laborious task and that your are clearly very adept at this task. I thank you, not only for the information, but for you kind responses to my questions. It makes future planned trips to Italy and Sicily worth waiting for. - John C. in NY
Thanks for the report! This is just so exciting!!! This is a side of the family no one seemed to know anything about! And I cannot wait to share it with all of them... What a wonderful Easter gift! And even though I know we pay you to do these things, I do want you to know that what you do makes a tremendous difference to a lot of people! You have made this family that much richer in appreciating and preserving its heritage. God bless and safe journey! - Brigitt C. in IN
Thanks for your dilligence! Great news, my stepmother was really excited about your research and is going to contact you herself re: further digging. - Donna M. in CA
It was terrific, and I deeply appreciated the pictures. - Larry Y. in CA
You did a wonderful job. many thanks. - George K. in WI
Received the report yesterday and had a great time reading and sharing the family you uncovered. We would love it if you could keeping digging-I would like to know more about Pasquale the shoemaker and his mother, as well as all of the painters. - Karen C. in CA
Received your research packet Saturday, and we were delighted with all the information contained. I can't tell you how we have been enjoying going through this material. I envy your research talents, as not even a mere amateur myself, I have tried to learn patience, in trying to obtain the littlest bit of info. We have accumulated much info ourselves, and the paper trail grows daily. Thanks so much for your professionalism, and respect shown to our family, that means so much to us. - Kathy M. in GA
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily, Part 1 and Part 2 is now available on 2 CDs. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 1997-2022