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Regalbuto (EN)
Regalbuto (Enna Province) is 54 km from Enna, alt. 520 m, on the watershed between the rivers Dittaino and Salso, area 169.3 sq km, pop. 8,194, post-code 94017, tel. 0935. Economy: agriculture (cereals, citrus fruit, almonds, olives); industries (rubber, plastics, cheese).
The town may be the ancient Ameselos, mentioned by Diodorus Siculus. The name of the town probably comes from the Arabic rahl (hamlet). It was in fact the Arabs who built in the Monte district a first fortified villge which was later extended under the Normans. In 1261 all was razed to the ground by the inhabitants of Centuripe who were hostile to the Swabian dynasty to which Regalbuto had remained faithful. In the following year King Manfred had the town rebuilt in its present location.
Churches (Nicosia Diocese) include the following:
San Basilio (Chiesa Madre, baroque)
S. Domenico
Santa Maria della Croce (17th century, with its flight of steps and baroque facade)
Families researched in these records include the following: LumbertiMarchesePerniconeTaverna
Links to other sites about Regalbuto include:
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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