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Santa Flavia (PA)
Santa Flavia (Palermo Province) is 16 km. from Palermo, alt. 45 m., on the Tyrrhenian coast, south of Capo Zafferano, area 14.5 sq. km., pop. over 9,100, post-code 90017, tel. 091. Economy: agiculture, (citrus fruit, vegetables), industry (pasta, marble), and fishing.
One of the most important centers in Punic Sicily, Solunto, Soloeis or Solus; is situated nearby on the Southeastern slopes of Monte Catalfano. The city was founded in the 4th century BC, possibly in the vicinity of a more ancient Phoenician site. It was conquered by the Romans in 250 BC, and declined after the 2nd century AD. The modern town developed aound the castle of Solanto. It was a fief of the Cabreras, the Spadaforas, the Alliatas and the Mantegnas.
Of interest is the great Villa Palace, built by the Filangeris in the 18th century, now used as the town hall. The Villa Filangeri di San Marco was built in the early 17th century and incorporates a late 15th century tower.
First Sunday in October - Festa of Madonna of the light is celebrated in the Porticello suburb with sporting competitions and a procession of boats illuminated with flaming torches in the evening. The procession ends with the image of Maria, Holiest of the Light, blessed in the water of the sea.
Churches (Palermo Diocese) include the following:
S. Anna (Chiesa Madre)
Maria SS. del Lume (Porticello - suburb of Santa Flavia)
Maria SS. Addolorata (Sant'Elia - suburb of Santa Flavia)
S. Giuseppe (Solanto - suiburb of Santa Flavia)
Families researched in these records include the following:
AliotoAriotiBalistreriBattagliaBillanteBusalacchiCannizzaroCirrincioneD'AcquistoDenticiFazioGaliotoli ForteMacchiMachiMiceliPizzoRestivoRizzoSan FilippoScardinoSparacinoStornioloTarantinoVilla
Microfilmed copies of the civil birth, marriage and death records for this town in the Family History Library are listed under Solanto for 1820-1861 and under Santa Flavia for 1885-1902.
Links to other sites about Santa Flavia include:
Santa Flavia Photos
Italian Postal Codes
Italian Towns
Italian Wikipedia
Sicilian Net
Sicily Web
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily, Part 1 and Part 2 is now available on 2 CDs. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 1997-2012