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Sortino (Siracusa Province) is 38 km from Siracusa, alt. 438 m, in the eastern Hyblaean Mountains, area 93.2 sq km, pop. 9,252, post-code 96010, tel. 0931. Economy: agriculture (olives, almonds, honey, etc.), livestock farming.
In its territory are the ruins of the town and the necropolis of Pantalica, the ancient Hybla.
The town of Sortino belonged in feudal times to the Moncadas and the Eredias and, after 1477, for about three centuries, to the Barons Gaetani. Already seriously damaged by an earthquake in 1542, it was razed to the ground by the earthquake in 1693. It was rebuilt not far away, in its present site, on the top of a hill, Cugno del Rizzo.
Churches (Siracusa Diocese) include the following:
San Giovanni Apostolo Ed Evangelista (Chiesa Madre)
Chiesa dell'Annunziata (18th century, historic)
Chiesa del Monastero di Montevergine (last half of the 18th century, historic)
Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate or del Collegio (built in 1742, historic)
Chiesa di San Sebastiano (historic)
S. Giuseppe
S. Sofia
Families researched in these records include the following:
Adonia, Adorno, Ballo, Benvenuto, Brinzi, Calvo, Cartelli, Caruso, Casabuono, Cicitta, Cinnei, Cordaro, Di Maria, Gentile,Giuliano, Grimaldi, Guarinello, Guzzetta, Ingaliso, Iriso, lo Nigoro, Manfre, Marino, Mazzotta, Motta, Pagliaro, Pandolfo, Pitrozzello, Rizzo, Saprenzia, Taja, Vica
Links to other sites about Sortino include:
Sicilian Net
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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