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Caltabellotta (Agrigento Province) is 73 km. from Agrigento, alt. 949 m., on a hill overlooking the meeting of the Rivers Favara and Verdura, area 123.6 sq. km., pop. over 5000, post-code 92010, tel. 0925. Economy: agriculture (citrus fruit, olives); olive-oil industry.
This was the city of Triokala, the capital of the slaves during the Second Slaves' Revolt (104-101 BC). In the Middle Ages the Arabs called it qal'at al-ballut (Rock of the Oak trees). In 1336 the county of Caltabellotta was granted to Raimondo Peralta; after 1453, it was a fief of the De Lunas, the Moncadas and Alvarez de Toledos.
Of interest is the Castle, founded by the Normans. In 1302, the peace ending the War of the Vespers was signed here between Frederick II of Aragon and Charles of Valois.
The views from the top of the rock are spectacular for the full circle, especially at night when you can see the lights of all the surrounding towns! Near the top, the Ristorante San Pellegrino ( or not only serves terrific pizza, but the owner speaks English and is very helpful! Wonderful place for a family reunion party!
The third Sunday in August is the Festa of San Pellegrino.
Churches (Agrigento Diocese) include the following:
S. Maria Assunta (Chiesa Matrice, founded by Count Roger)
B.M.V. Immacolata
Chiesa del Carmine (historic)
Chiesa di Sant'Agostino (historic, 14th century)
S. Agostino
S. Anna (historic)
S. Francesco d'Assisi
San Pelligrino (Sant'Anna - suburb of Caltabellotta)
Santa Maria del Fervore (Sant'Anna - suburb of Caltabellotta) (historic)
Links to other sites about Caltabellotta include:
Ancient Sicily
Caltabellotta Photos
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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