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Riposto (Catania Province) is 31 km from Catania, alt. 6 m, on the Ionian coast near the mouth of the River Macchia, area 12.9 sq km, pop. over 14,000, post-code 95018, tel. 095. Economy: agriculture, formerly shipping of wine.
The name of the town means depot or storehouse since it was the storage place near the port. It flourished when industrialization increased production of wine in the area (late 19th century). It made a dual town with Giarre, both wards of Mascali until they became autonomous in 1915. They were again divided, then unified, and finally divided again in 1945.
The Stato Civile is in the newest part of town, near Giarre. The train station (FS) is in Giarre (the tracks divide the towns), while the Circumetnea train station is near the main piazza downtown. The oldest church is next to the water, while the Cattedrale is on the main piazza across from the Municipio.
Wonderfully helpful people everywhere I went.
Churches (Acireale Diocese) include the following:
San Pietro Apostolo (Cattedrale)
Immacolata di Lourdes
Maria SS. del Carmelo
San Giuseppe
Santi Apostoli
San Martino Vescovo (Carrubba - suburb of Riposto)
Santa Maria del Rosario (Torre Archirafi - suburb of Riposto)
Families researched in those records include the following:di PinoGiammonaGrassoLeottaTommarchio
On June 29 is the Festa of San Pietro. There is an Art Show by the Sea in August. In September is a presentation of "Captains Courageous".
Links to sites with more about Riposto include:
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sicily Web
Riposto Photos
Catania Provincia
Sicilian Net
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 1997-2008