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Sambuca di Sicilia (Agrigento Province) is 105 km. from Agrigento, alt. 350 m., on a hill west of Lake Arancio, area 95.9 sq. km., pop. over 6700, post-code 92017, tel. 0925. Economy: agricultural (wheat, olives, grapes); building materials.
The town originated from the Arab hamlet of "Rahl Zabut" which became the property of the Monastery of Monreale in 1185. It was later a fief of the Barberini family and of the Beccadellis of Bologna. In the last century, it was called Sambuca Zabut. The oldest part of town still preserves its Arab layout with winding streets and blind alleys. The layout of the more modern part reflects the syle of the 16th and 17th centuries when most of the major buildings were constructed.
Of interest is the town hall, one end of which is built over the main street leading to the oldest part of town. The Palazzo Panitteri (15th and 16th centuries) houses the Folklore Museum. The municipial theater (1850) has been restored to meet current safety standards. Nearby, there is an archaelogical site on Monte Adranone that has revealed a Greek center founded in the 6th century BC by Selinunte settlers over an indigeneous settlement.
I've spent a lot of time in this town over the last six years and found everyone to be friendly and helpful. The tobacco shop just uphill from the Chiesa Madre is run by a man who speaks English and has relatives in the Chicago area. He's been wonderfully helpful in locating cousins and recognizing me when I return (twice a year). The priest at the Chiesa Madre has been generous in allowing me to research in his records, as well as the folks in the Ufficio Stato Civile and Ufficio Anagrafe in the Town Hall. I've also enjoyed the time I've spent in town and the surrounding areas with clients and their cousins.
Churches (Agrigento Diocese) include the following:
Maria SS. dell'Udienza (Chiesa Madre) (Santa Maria Assunta) (16th century)
B.M.V. Bambina
Chiesa del Carmine (16th century, historic)
Chiesa del Collegio (18th century, historic)
Chiesa della Concezione (14th century, historic)
Chiesa di San Vito (della Madonna Bambina, 15th century, altered 18th century, located north of town near the Adragna village; historic)
Santa Lucia
Santa Maria Assunta (Matrice, medieval, historic, severly damaged in the 1968 earthquake)
Families researched in those records include the following:Abbate, Abbene, Aina, Ala, Angelo, Arbisi, ArmatoBarbera, Bella, Bertolone, Biletto, Bova, BrigugliaCacioppo, Calcagno, Calcagono, Campisi, Cannova, Cari, Caruso, Catalanello, Catalano, Celestre, Celestri, Certa, Ciaccio, Cicero, CipollaD'attilo, Digiovanni, Di Prima, di Rosa, Di Verde Falco, Fasullo, Fazio, Ferraro, FiorenzaGanci, Giacopello, Gigliotta, Giovinco, Guarino, Guileri, Gulotta, GuzzardoIgnoso, IgnozzoLombardo, LusatoriMaggio, Mangiaracina, Marchese, Marino, Marotta, Merlo, MontanaNapoli, Nobile, NuccioOddo, OlivaPalmeri, Pantaleo, Paravola, Perrone, Piazza, Picardi, PumiliaRaia, RomanoSacco, Saitte, Salvegio, Scime, ScurtiTabone, Tamburello, Tortorici, Triolo, TumminelloVaccaro, Ventimiglia, Verde, Vetrano, VirganinoZito
Links to other sites about Sambuca di Sicilia include:
Ancient Sicily
Adranone Photos
Italian Wikipedia
Italian Towns
Italian Postal Codes
Sambuca di Sicilia
Sambuca di Sicilia Photos
Sicily Web
Sicilian Net
Terre Sicane
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily - A Reference for Researchers and is now available. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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© Kathy Kirkpatrick 1997-2008