Professional Researchers Tracing YOUR Genealogy
Valderice (Trapani Province) is 11 km from Trapani, alt. 240 m, on the east slopes of Monte San Giuliano, area 53 sq km, pop. 11,022, post-code 91019, tel. 0923. Economy: Agriculture, industries (wine, marble).
The presence of man is testified in the territory from the Upper Palaeolithic. The town was a ward of Erice until 1955, when it became an autonomous commune.
Of interest: Until 1958 it was known as Paparelle San Marco; A winding road leads up from Valderice after a few kilometers to Erice; The coast of Bonagia is in the territory of Valdrice. Here the loggia still survives of the ancient tunny-fishery, which is no longer in use.
Churches (Trapani Diocese) include the following:
Cristo Re (Chiesa Madre, built in 1950)
Maria SS. Della Purita'
Maria SS. Immacolata
S. Alberto
S. Andrea Apostolo
S. Famiglia E.S. Alberto
S. Giuseppe
S. Pio X
S. Antonio di Padova (Fico - suburb of Valderice)
Maria SS. Della Misericordia (Misericordia - suburb of Valderice)
Links to other sites about Valderice include:
Valderice Photos
Trapani Province
My latest book on CD is titled Sicily, Part 1 and Part 2 is now available on 2 CDs. With a file for each town (plus many other files), it relates the history of Sicily as reflected in the photos, records and festivals of its towns. It contains over 2500 text and photo files and can be ordered at CD order.
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